brainwave entrainment for ADHD

Brainwave Entrainment for ADHD: What Is It And Can It Help

By Jamie | May 26, 2021 |

Brainwave Entrainment for ADHD is probably not the first thing you consider when you have ADHD. Whilst, of course, medication, exercise, and various therapies, are the core of any approach to managing ADHD, nonetheless some people with ADHD report a positive response to brainwave entrainment. And if, for some reason, you’re in that 10-20% for…

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7 Benefits of Hypnotherapy for ADHD

By Jamie | February 14, 2020 |

Whilst ADHD hypnotherapy may not be the first therapy you think about for helping you recover from ADHD, nonetheless there are many good reasons why you might want to consider it. An increasing body of research is backing up the possibility that alternative/complementay therapies like CBT, coaching, and hypnotherapy, can indeed help children and adults…

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new year resolutions 2021

New Year’s Resolutions Versus Goal Setting for ADHD

By Jamie | January 21, 2018 |

New Year’s Resolutions Vs Goal Setting For ADHD: Why Goal Setting Exercises The ADHD Brain!  by Jamie Vasilyan, The Hypnosis for ADHD Specialist In this report, we explore why New Year’s Resolutions do not work, but why Goal Setting for ADHD really does. And, if you’re not doing Goal Setting for ADHD already, or if…

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